Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Being off my music grind for a while, this is the first time I stumbled upon Sol. I found him while looking around GMAD, and I'm glad I did. From what I read about him, I gather all his tracks are just as chill as this one, and if you know me at all, you know that's what I am into. This song does it to me, and just puts me into that good mood. Check it out, 2020 by Sol.

Till next time,

Return of TCSwag- Levels Remix

Hey Guys, Sorry that "That College Swag" has been MIA for a while. Things in my life really kicked up in mid November, and I was unable to find the time to keep the site up to date. But what's important is that I'm back, and the posts will once again begin to come to you daily.

I'm going to start you off with a little bit older of a song from Skrillex, but it is something I definitely want to post about just in case anybody happened to miss it. Last week me and some of my friends went up to Canada for a College Xmas Break trip and it felt like this song was on repeat. Definitely check this out,  Levels Remix by Skrillex.

Till next time,